- The ____________ was founded by ___________ and ___________ Sheehy Skeffington and _______ and ____________ Cousins in the year __________ .
- Several local women's groups united to form the ___________ founded by _________ and _________ in the year ________ .
- Select any three of the following and write a paragraph on each:
- The Irish Women's Franchise League
- the Irish Citizen
- the Irishwomen's Suffrage Federation
- the Women's Anti-Suffrage League
- Hanna & Frank Sheehy Skeffington
- Margaret & James Cousins.
- What do you think 'she sensed the Time Spirit' meant in connection with Anna Haslam in 1908?
- Why do you think the IWFL were so successful in their campaign in Galway and so ridiculed in some other places?
- Why was Frank Sheehy Skeffington ridiculed at times while promoting votes for women?
- Evaluate any two of the primary sources quoted as historical evidence.