Women in politics

Women in Irish general elections by decade

Candidates Elected
Year Total number Women candidates Women as % Total number Women candidates Women as %
1923 377 7 1.9 153 5 3.3
1933 246 6 2.4 153 3 1.9
1943 354 9 2.5 138 3 2.2
1954 303 6 1.9 147 5 3.4
1969 373 11 2.9 144 3 2.1
1977 375 25 6.6 148 6 4.1
1982b 365 31 8.5 166 14 8.4
1989 371 53 13.8 166 13 7.8
Total 2764 148 5.3 1215 52 4.2

1982b refers to the second general election in that year.

Frances Gardiner, 'Political interest and participation of Irish women 1922-1992' in Ailbhe Smyth (ed.), Irish women's studies reader, Dublin, 1993.


  1. What percentage of all candidates were men in 1923? 1943? 1977? 
  2.  What percentage of all those elected were men in 1923? 1943? 1977? 1989? 
  3.  Suggest reasons why fewer women become candidates for election to the Oireachtas. 
  4.  What do you think historians of the 22nd century will write about the contribution of the present generation of Irish girls and women to Irish Society?
  5.  What do you think historians of the 22nd century will write about the contribution of the present generation of Irish boys and men to Irish Society?
  6.  Identify the two most important political or social problems your generation needs to tackle first and give reasons for your choice.


  1. Research the current proportion of women to men in the Oireachtas. 
  2. Transfer some of the above statistics to a spreadsheet and display them as a chart or graph. 
  3. Ask a woman candidate for election, a woman TD or Senator to address your class. Prepare a list of questions in advance.


Proportion of women in the national parliaments of the European Union member states

State Date Lower House Upper House Parliament
as a whole
    % Female Female/Male % Female Female/Male % Female Female/Male
Belgium 1995 11.3 17/150 23.6 17/72 15.3 34/222
Denmark 1994 33.0 59/179     33.0 59/179
Germany 1994 26.3 177/672 19.1 13/68 25.7 190/740
Greece 1993 5.3 16/300     5.3 51/898
Spain 1993 16.0 56/350 12.6 32/254 14.6 88/604
France 1993/92 6.0 35/577 4.9 16/321 5.6 51/898
Ireland 1997/92 12.0 20/166 13.3 8/60 12.4 28/226
Italy 1994 13.9 88/632 8.3 26/315 12.0 144/947
Luxembourg 1994 16.6 10/60     16.6 10/60
Netherlands 1994/95 31.3 47/150 28.0 21/75 30.2 68/255
Austria 1994 25.0 16/64 21.9 40/183 22.7 56/247
Portugal 1991 8.7 20/230     8.7 20/230
Finland 1995 33.5 67/200     33.5 67/200
Sweden 1994 40.4 141/349     40.4 141/349
UK 1992 9.2 60/651 6.5 79/1207 7.4 139/1858
Average   17.5 829/4730 9.9 252/2555 14.8 1081/7285

'Women and decision making' quoted in Department of Education, 'Facts and figures' in Balance: A module in social education and equality issues, Dublin, 1997.



  1. Using the above statistics, place the European Union countries in ascending order based on the proportion of women to men during the 1990s in 'parliaments as a whole'.
  2. Write a brief paragraph stating any two conclusions you drew from the statistics.
  3. Does anything about these statistics surprise you? Give reasons for your answer.


  1. Transfer some of the above statistics to a spreadsheet and display them as a chart or graph.
  2. Do further research on the proportion of women to men in parliaments throughout the EU or in any part of the world.
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